Frequently Asked Questions

How do I learn more about the assessment process, discuss specific questions?

Is there a waiting list?

There is no waiting list. Assessments usually start within two weeks of you reaching out to us.

What is a psycho-educational assessment?

A psychoeducational assessment consists of an analysis of psychological aspects of learning and of academic skills.

Psychological aspects include:

  • Intelligence
  • Language skills
  • Memory
  • Working memory
  • Verbal and Visual Learning
  • Attention / Concentration
  • Eye / Hand Coordination for paper - and - pencil tasks
  • Planning Ability
  • Reflective / Impulsive Response Style
  • Time Management, Organizational Skills, Flexibility, Adaptability, (Executive Functioning)

Academic skills include:

  • Reading (phonetic skills, sight vocabulary, reading comprehension)
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Mathematics (basic numerical operations, mathematical reasoning)
  • Academic Fluency (speed of reading, writing, calculating)
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Oral Expressive Skills

How long does the assessment take?

Usually, it takes about three to four weeks, but can be also done faster, depending on the student’s circumstances. Assessments for eligibility for entry into the program for academically gifted students are completed in two days. Parents are told the results of the test (WISC-V) the day of the testing. The following day the parents receive the report and data, which are also discussed during the Zoom feedback appointment.

How do I schedule an assessment?

Once you have reached out to us, Ms. Boddy will email you the initial intake forms (address and consent forms) to be completed and sent to Dr. Elisabeth Saunders. As soon as she has received them, you will receive a reply with a request to complete one more form and to send the two most recent report cards/transcript of high school marks/unofficial transcript of college or university marks (as applicable). The Zoom meeting with parent(s) or with parent(s) and student (depending on student’s age and the family’s circumstances) and Dr. Saunders is scheduled within a week of having received this additional information. Students come twice to the office, which can be scheduled within the same week, consecutive weeks or whatever works for the student. The Zoom feedback interview is scheduled within ten days after the second testing appointment. At that time Dr. Saunders has already completed the report.

Do I need a doctor’s referral?

No referrals are required.

Note: Some insurance companies will only provide reimbursement if there is a doctor’s referral.

How much does the assessment cost?

It varies depending on the nature of the assessment. This is outlined in the consent form. You can also discuss your circumstances and requests with Ms. Boddy.

Are the fees covered by extended health insurance?

Yes, but not necessarily all the fees associated with an assessment. We suggest you check how much coverage you have for psychological services per person, per year, per hour, or is it per “occurrence”, i.e., daily limit. You will receive a detailed outline of all billing prior to the beginning of the assessment.

Which tests will be included?

WPPSI-IV, WISC-V or WAIS-IV (intelligence test, depending on age)

WRAML-3 or WMS-IV (memory test, depending on age)

WIAT-III (assessment of reading, writing and mathematical skills), WJ-IV Academic Fluency (assessment of reading, writing and computational speed)

Other tests are included to address specific questions: VMI-6th Ed. is a test of eye-hand coordination as required for handwriting; CELF-5 is a test of language skills.

How shall I explain this to my child?

We suggest that you tell your child that we all learn in different ways. The assessment shows how a student learns best, e.g., is it easier for the student to learn from what is said or from what is shown or does this not make a difference; is reading easier than mathematics or vice versa, or maybe it does not matter; does time pressure help or hinder?

Will the reports be accepted by schools or postsecondary institutions?

Yes, the reports will be accepted by schools and postsecondary institutions.

I think my child may have AD/HD. Do you assess this?

Yes, we do assess AD/HD.

Do you assess and diagnose autism?

No, this is not something we assess and diagnose in our practice.

Do you assess emotional factors, e.g., anxiety?

Yes, this is a part of the assessment.